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Consent As Love soundbath*meditation*workshop* cacao ceremony

Just led the my first workshop-ceremony and it was AWESOME!

One thing that stood out to me after reflecting for a few days is how consent as love really is about creating a consent culture *together* and how important it is to treat everyone's needs and desires *equally*-- no one more and no one less. And how this concept expands not only from ourselves to each other and to each other to other communities, other communities to other cities, other cities to other nations, from other nations to our entire world, and most importantly from the entire world to our mother earth- the entity that provides us with our life every day. It's about being inclusive of ALL who support us. ALL the other beings that support us- be it animals, to plants, to the oceans, to the soil that provides us with food, to the beings in the ethers or star beings that continue to help us… it's about doing it together in EVERY WAY. So the love is a continuous expansion of all entities. And the support is an ebb and flow of many directions, a web or a "hammock" of love and support.

Also continue to be impressed about how engaged everyone is! Thank you! Thank you for continuing to value creating a culture of consent and therefore a culture of LOVE.

Below is the post I posted to Facebook about the event:

Epic professional/performative weekend for me. From prepping, leading and facilitating a whole Cacao Ritual themed Consent As Love sound bath*meditation*workshop*ceremony with Samson SunEyes by my side for 3+ hours Saturday night to getting up and singing one of my original songs for *sound healing* today at Ecstatic Dance Sunday… YES! Yes to me doing what I meant to be doing and sharing my gifts with you all! Yes to my intention of catapulting us into more love! And thank you for joining me.

Was truly honored by all the help and support I got through community for the Ritual Cacao Consentaslove Workshop and to empower my people to step into awesome roles for the event. Thank you Raz A Lexa for being an epic poster drawer and filmer and just super helpful in general, thank youYoni Resnick for doing an amazing and thorough job smudging people as they entered, thank you Anna Simone Combi for helping me open and close the ritual circle in an honoring way and to Anna and Robin Liepman for sacredly passing out the cacao and creating an amazing altar, thank youMaya Light for taking the time to create and play a beautiful DJ set, thank you Kelly Guava for supporting my vision to bridge Consent As Love and Ritual, and thank you so so much to my love Samson SunEyes for offering your beautiful music with me and supporting me in every way you could think of through out the night. I so love and appreciate you!

And most of all, thank you to ALL of YOU who came and SHOWED UP for consent culture, SHOWED UP for love. I highly value/d your presence and wisdom. Thank you <3

And there's more! Because of how engaged everyone was, I'm SO excited to continue similar events very very soon, regularlly. The next Guava Ritual Cacao ceremony I'll be co-leading with Jami Christy (Muse Magdalene) around a similar subject on August 5th. Also, I'm going to create an interactive theater show around consent for our community. Stay tuned. Moreover, I'd love to create habitual practice groups around consent and continue to lead consentaslove based discussions. And of course lead more workshops!

Also- I'll be teaching a similar workshop at enchanted forest gathering called" 50 Shades of YES! Creating a Culture of Consent" Friday July 22 4:15pm- 5:45pm under Sexuality and Relationship at Enchanted Forest.

So if you enjoyed the ritual, and if you're interested in general, come play with me!!!